If you cannot join us in Kraków, we invite you to take part in virtual workshops. You will be able to work in international teams on interesting issues, you will meet students from all over the world. We promise that it will be an interesting experience for you. During the workshops, you will take part in work on designing new food products, and in a debate related to the current issues related to the science of meat.

9  August – Lecture: How to speak so that we are heard
On this day, participants will be divided into several small groups (3-4 people) who will work together on designing a new and innovative product. Each group will be assigned a tutor experienced in science, who will guide you in designing new food products.

10 August – Lecture in Rheology – Faculty of Food Technology, University of Agriculture in Cracow
On this day, participants will be divided into 2 groups that will take part in a debate on a given topic. Each group will be assigned a supervisor who will help participants to prepare for the debate.

Paweł Ptaszek is an Professor in the Department of Carbohydrates and Cereal Technology, Agriculture University in Krakow. He has Ph.D. degree from Agriculture University in Cracow in Food Technology and S.M. degree from Cracow University of Technology in Chemical Engineering. At Agriculture University in Krakow, his research group studies rheology, fluid mechanics, and design of complex fluids; in particular, this includes yield stress fluids, polymer and biopolymer gels, biological materials, and large-amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) characterization. He works very closely with the food industry as a consultant for the mechanical properties of food.

09-18 August - Group work on project development and preparation for debate.

19 August - Online presentation of projects before the jury awarding prizes

20 August - Oxford debate on a given topic. Selecting winners of the debate

Price: 70 EUR per person

How to register to the Doctoral School - online version
  • If you participate in the congress, you fill in the registration form on the congress website and choose the activity: the Doctoral School - online version
  • If you do not participate in the congress, fill in the registration form on the congress website and choose the Registration profile: Registration for the Doctoral School – online version
Honorary Patronage of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

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